The Acura MDX, also known as the Honda MDX, is a mid-size, three-column luxury hybrid produced by the Japanese automaker Honda since 2000 under the Acura extravagance nameplate, which is well-known in Japan and Australia. A 3.5-liter V6 engine rated at 290 torque and a nine-speed automatic transmission is the only upgrades for this model’s motor.
Honda replaced the Horizon with the Acura MDX, a well-liked luxury SUV designed for the US market. It was first made available in 2000, and the third generation of its design is now on the market with options for hybrid drivetrains.
On this page, you can download various PDF owner manuals for the Acura MDX. To view the manual, click the name of the year you want to view, which ranges from 2002 to 2023.