Information signs are meant to provide the information to the road users about direction, destination, roadside facilities, alternate routes, and important locations such as hospitals, schools, etc. The following are the informative road signs that help the driver to save time and reach the destination without wandering. These signs are generally convenient for the driver.
These signs provide information about road conditions in advance, instructing them to go to significant intersections, warn drivers or ensure the proper functioning of road traffic.
Many traffic rules and signs are being regularly built and updated to ensure better safety. Education and implementation of rules and regulations are a concern, and thus, these must be taught early to the population. Anyone on the road should understand about traffic rules along with signals so that they can be safe and ensure that others around them are safe as well. When driving on roads and highways, always keep in mind the road signs so that you get the correct information.

Information Signs on Road

Bikers Only
This traffic signal indicates the start of a lane for cyclists. It shows the paths for bicycles to be restricted and mandatory.

Bridge Ahead
There is a narrow bridge ahead. Drive slowly and carefully. Give way to oncoming vehicles, which are already on the bridge. Self-discipline is essential to stay safe on such bridges and prevent traffic jams.

Bus Station Ahead
This sign indicates the Bus Station is on the road ahead. Drive carefully on your lane.

School Ahead
The sign warns drivers that there is a school nearby. Children can come running somewhere. Slowly, look around and proceed with caution.

Danger Ahead
A supplementary sign may explains the nature of danger.

Dead End Street
This traffic signal indicates that the road ahead is not off the road, the road stops or is closed for traffic.

Do Not Enter
This symbol indicates Do not enter. Entry of all types of vehicles are strictly prohibits.

Emergency Parking
An emergency stop and breakdown bay. It is allowed to use only in an emergency.

Petrol Filling Station
This informative sign suggests that there is a petrol pump ahead. Sometimes a distance is also indicated on this sign indicating how far the petrol pump is from the sign post.

Handicap Parking
This sign indicates that parking is only allowed for people with a handicap permit.

Hospital Ahead
This sign indicates that there is a hospital nearby. Drivers should be careful while driving and do not blow a horn.

Cafeteria Ahead
This sign indicates there is facility of Light refreshment nearby on the road.

Housing Compound
This sign indicates that the housing compound is nearby. So drive slowly and carefully.

Immediate Towing
If you have seen this sign and tried to park there, you will be towed immediately.

Mandatory Turn For Trucks
This sign indicates that it is mandatory to take a turn for the trucks.

Minimal Speed Limit
This sign specifies the speed, as defined in the sign, of traffic on the road. The specified limits should be implemented to avoid punitive action and accidents on the way.

No Motorbikes
This sign indicates that no entry for any kinds of motorbikes.

No Pedestrian Crossing
This sign restricts the movement of a pedestrian on the road or the adjoining area. It could be a lane for fast-moving vehicles, highways, etc.

No Pedistrians
This sign restricts the no entry of a pedestrian on the road or the adjoining area. It could be a lane for fast-moving vehicles, highways, etc.

No Truck Entry Over 65 Tones
This sign on the road indicates that the weight of the vehicle should not be more than 65 tones. It could be a hairpin bend, a sharp turn, etc. This meant that an over-sized vehicle is not safe.

Parking Place
This sign marks the area where parking is permitted and is also used to guide parking areas. This sign is usually accompanied by additional signs, indicating other parking conditions.

Pedistrian Crossing Ahead
Pedestrian is the king of traffic. The sign tells the driver to either slow down or stop the vehicle and allow the pedestrian to cross the road. Part of the way is also demarcated in white strips known as zebra crossings. The pedestrian has the first right onto the road at Zebra Crossing.

Pedestrian Only
This sign indicates that only pedestrian can enter on the road or the adjoining area.Vehicles are not allowed to enter.

Reduce Speed
When you see this sign, you should slow down. This sign is installed along with other warning signs that indicate danger. You may need to stop.

Restuarant Ahead
This sign means restaurant is nearby on the road. It is common on highways and road.

River Bypass
It is only a warning that there is a quayside or riverbank nearby. If you're not careful, you can plunge into the water. Be Careful!

Left Road Intersection Ahead
The side road enters the highway from the left. A warning intersection is one of the traffic signs that can help you navigate an intersection.

Right Road Intersection Ahead
The side road enters the highway from the right. A warning intersection is one of the traffic signs that can help you navigate an intersection.

Slippery Road Ahead
The road ahead is slippery. It can be due to many factors like water, snow on the way, etc. Drive slowly and carefully. Vehicles may skid at high speeds.

Speed Bump Ahead
This road sign indicates a speed bump. Speed bumps are placed to slow down traffic, driving too fast can damage your vehicle.

It is one of the most vital and prominent road signs. This sign indicates that the driver must stop immediately. Police, traffic and toll officers usually use this sign at the check post.

Stop Customs Checkpoint
This sign indicates that the driver must stop immediately for custom check.

Stop Police Checkpoint
This sign indicates that the driver must stop immediately. Usually use this sign at the check post.

Traffic Signal Ahead
A traffic signal is ahead. Start slowing down and prepare to stop. You may have to stop when the traffic signal is red.

Train Ahead
There is an unmanned railway crossing ahead. All drivers are advised to stop before entering the railway track and look for any oncoming train. Go forward when it is safe to cross the railway track.

Truck Prohibited
As the sign says, the designated zone is a no-entry zone for trucks or HMVs. These may be narrow lanes or congested areas where the entry of heavy transport vehicles can obstruct the smooth flow of traffic.

Begin Of A Tunnel
This sign indicates the beginning of the upcoming tunnel. On some signboards, the length of the tunnel is also mentioned.

Uneven Road Ahead
The road has a hump that makes the road surface uneven. It may have been installed to force the hump drivers to slow down and is also known as a speed breaker. Crossing the hump at high speed will cause a massive collision, which may damage the vehicle or injure the passenger. In the worst case, the driver may lose control of the car and cause an accident. Move slowly and carefully.

Use Of Horn Prohibited
Excessive and unnecessary honking is considered uncontrolled behavior in modern society. However, there are quiet areas where honking is prohibited, like near hospitals, schools, etc. This sign instructs the driver to respect the silence zone and not to use the horn.