Highway road signs increasingly use symbols instead of words to convey their message. These symbols give immediate communication with highway users, overcome language barriers, and are becoming the standard for traffic control devices worldwide. Awareness about the symbols of highway signs is essential for every road or highway user to maintain the safety and efficiency of our transport facilities.
Knowing these highway road signs works for you, especially when you are on a road trip. However, they are necessary even when you hit the road. So let’s look at some of the signs we need to know to help regulate traffic.
While driving on the road, you should check highway road signs. Depending on the reason, road signs have a different meaning at different places. The color of highway signs is an essential indicator of the information they contain.

Highway Road Signs and Meaning

Downgrade Ahead
Downgrade signs are confusing for some drivers. The easy way is to read them from left to right same as roman alphabets. The percentage written on the sign shows the part of 100%.

Low-Flying Aircraft
This sign indicates that there can be low air traffic above the road.

No Vehicles
This sign indicates no entry for any kind of vehicle. If you want to go on that road, turned off the engine, and push motorcycles, Mopeds, and bicycles with the hands.

Bridge Ahead
There is a narrow bridge ahead. Drive slowly and carefully. Give way to oncoming vehicles, which are already on the bridge.

Bus Stop
This sign means that the bus station is on the road ahead. Information you may take from next or below to this sign about the routes for that one can get a bus here.

Restriction Ends Sign
Any restriction conveyed through the sign on the end of the road here. This sign warns that the prohibitions imposed by the sign are no more valid ahead of this point.

School Ahead
The sign warns drivers that there is a school nearby. Children can come running from somewhere. Drive Slowly, look around and proceed with caution.

Danger Ahead
A supplementary sign may explains the nature of danger. Drive slowly and carefully.

Double Bend Ahead
This road sign indicates the actual design i.e., a type of formation of Z ahead of the road. It cautions the driver about the zigzag turn towards Left. must reduce the speed at the sight of this sign and drive the vehicle carefully.

Emergency Station
This sign indicates the emergency station. In case of emergency, you can stop your vehicle at this place and ask for help.

Vehicles With Explosive Materials Are Prohibited
This street sign indicates a place where vehicles with explosive materials are prohibited. It is used in rare situations where accidental explosions can have catastrophic consequences, such as near oil or gas installations or other dangerous locations. This signal is used only when there is a significant risk.

This symbol indicates crosswind from the left.

Train Crossing Barriers
This road sign warns railway crossing with barriers ahead.

Petrol Filling Station
This informative sign suggests that there is a petrol pump ahead. Sometimes a distance is also indicated on this sign indicating how far the petrol pump is from the sign post.

This sign indicates the beginning of the highway or motorway. It indicates that the general rules of a motorway apply from that moment on.

Highway End
This sign indicates the end of highway or motorway.

Immediate Towing
This sign means a tow-away area. If you have seen this sign and tried to park there, you will be towed immediately.

Intersection Ahead
The intersection traffic signal means that another road is intersecting the highway ahead. Slowing down the speed of your vehicle and left and right for other traffic. Be alert for cross traffic and regulatory signals.

Left Bend Ahead
This sign tells you about a left-handed curve on the road ahead. You get time to slow down your pace and set your eyes on a curve. It also reduces the chance of an accident due to sudden appearance

Left Lane Narrow
This sign indicates road is narrows from the left. Oncoming traffic will have to wait. In the case of one-way street, the zipper rule applies.

Mandatory Turn for Trucks
This sign indicates that it is mandatory to take a left turn for the trucks.

30 Speed Limit
This sign specifies the speed, as defined in the sign, of traffic on the road. The specified limits should be implemented to avoid punitive action and accidents on the way.

Mechanic Station
This sign indicates the mechanic station nearby on the road.

Intersection With Right Priority
Traffic may merge with another road in your lane. Either be prepared to change lanes or allow other traffic to combine with your lane. Signs of merge appear on the expressway just before the expressway ramp. Drivers entering from the right side should receive traffic on the main route, and use a speed-change lane to merge smoothly and safely with the main traffic flow.

Minimal Speed Limit
This sign indicates that speed of vehicle should be minimal.

No Access for Public Vehicles
This sign indicates no entry for any kind of public vehicle.

No Left Turn
This sign indicates a left turn is prohibited. Do not instruct the driver to turn left under any circumstances.

No U-Turn
This sign can be seen on the streets at some busy intersections. U-turns at these intersections can cause major accidents or traffic jams. The driver should not violate this sign to avoid fines and any untoward incident.

Prohibited Parking
This road sign indicates a place where parking is prohibited. The restriction only applies to the road side on which the sign is placed. It is only placed where there would be a serious parking problem, such as in a busy street, a narrow, or too close to a major intersection.

Narrow Passage Ahead
This sign belongs to prohibition signs group. It indicates a narrow passage ahead and oncoming traffic has the priority to cross the narrow place first.

Emergency Parking
This sign indicates an emergency stop and breakdown bay. Their usage is only allowed in emergency.

Parking for Tent and Trailer
This sign indicates the parking of Caravan and camping trailer.

Parking Place
This sign marks the area where parking is allowed and is also used to guide parking areas.

Police Station
This sign means that the police station is nearby on the road. In case of an emergency, you can contact them.

Priority Road
This sign indicates a priority over all subsequent intersections and crossings until it is canceled. This sign may have a supplementary symbol that shows the priority road.

Reduce Speed
When you see this sign, you should slow down the speed of your vehicle. This sign is installed along with other warning signs that indicate danger. You may need to stop.

Restarants Ahead
Restaurants are available nearby on the road to serve food. They may be able to serve a full breakfast, lunch and dinner menu.

Right Curve
There is a right turn/bend towards the right side. Drive carefully; the vehicle may skid at high speed. Also, if the road does not have dividers, then upcoming cars may not be visible unless they are very close.

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Two Way Traffic
This sign indicates the two-way traffic ahead. You are leaving one-way roadways and entering two-way roadways. It is also used to remind drivers that they are on a two-way road.

Uneven Road Ahead
The road has a hump that makes the road surface uneven. It may have been installed to force the hump drivers to slow down and is also known as a speed breaker. Crossing the hump at high speed will cause a massive collision, which may damage the vehicle or injure the passenger. In the worst case, the driver may lose control of the car and cause an accident. Move slowly and carefully.

Vehicle Tire Chains
This road sign indicates the beginning of a road where you must use snow chains.

Prohibition of Vehicle Wider than 350 m
This road sign indicates a place where vehicles higher than indicated will not be able to pass the obstacle ahead of them.